String Wound Filter

String Wound Filter

The PP String Wound Cartridges (SWS) filter cartridges, produced by Aquapro, are renowned for their effectiveness in reducing unwanted tastes and odors, including chlorine taste and odor, along with other contaminants. Here are the key specifications and advantages of the SWS-40 cartridges:

1, Media: PP Spun Cartridge
2, Cartridge Dimensions: Approximately 10″ x 2.5″ | 10″ x 4.5″ | 20″ x 2.5″ | 20″ x 4.5″ | 30″ x 2.5″ | 40″ x 2.5″
3, Micron Ratings: Available in a range of micron ratings including 3, 1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, and 50 microns. These ratings indicate the size of particles the cartridges can effectively capture, offering flexibility to meet various filtration needs.
4, Effectiveness: Highly effective at reducing unwanted tastes, odors, and contaminants, ensuring cleaner and fresher-tasting water.
5, Quality Advantages: The SWS-40 cartridges offer several quality advantages, ensuring reliable performance and long-lasting filtration results.
6, Application: Suitable for a wide range of water filtration applications, including residential, commercial, and industrial use.
7, Compatibility: Compatible with standard filter housings designed to accommodate 10″ x 2.5″ cartridges, providing easy installation and replacement.
8, Durability: Constructed with high-quality materials and manufacturing standards, ensuring durability and reliability in various water conditions.
9, Manufacturer: Produced by Aquapro, a reputable manufacturer known for producing high-quality water filtration products.

Overall, the PP String Wound Cartridges (SWS) are recognized as one of the best products in Aquapro’s lineup, offering exceptional filtration performance and quality advantages for ensuring clean, great-tasting water in a wide range of applications.